Meet Ixchel Vargas

Full name: Ixchel Maria Vargas Colossi

Age: 18

Country: El Salvador

Hometown: San Salvador

Family: Father, Miguel Vargas, shopkeeper. Brother, Fernando (12)

Hair, eyes: Brown, brown

Languages: Spanish, English

Occupation: Competitive triathlete/shop assistant

People tell me I look like: Rosario Dawson

Aspirations: Study Politics and Law and become a Politician.

Personal Inspiration: Eva Peron, former First Lady of Argentina

Achievements: Winner of several national triathlon competitions in junior womens’ sections, graduated high school with General Bachelors Degree

Three words to describe you: Competitive, sassy, tough

What motivates you to play Scholarship?: I cannot afford university unless I win more triathlons, but this will pay for that.

Why do you think you can win Scholarship?: I am dedicated to being the best I can be. When I enter a competition, I enter with the expectation to win. I can only try, but I will try my best, and I believe I can do anything if I try hard enough.

What experiences will you bring with you, to help you compete?: My experiences with triathlons. They are tough and they challenge you, but they remind me than I am tough and I overcome challenges.

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